Bromford Flood defences
Bromford Flood Defences
Scheme details
Jackson Civil Engineering
JOS Value
March 2020 - May 2021
construction of 1,633m concrete walls at 10 locations to act as barriers to the water from the River Tame as part of the Bromford flood defence scheme.
Key Data
1,633m of concrete wall at 10 locations
1,385m3 of concrete poured
5,720m2 of formwork
116T of reinfocement fixed
JOS Supply
temporary materials
small plant
Delivered in partnership with Jackson Civil Engineering over 15 months these works are helping to protect the Bromford area of Birmingham from storm events which have previously inundated the area with flooding.
JOS completed the FRC works associated with the flood walls which included full FRC walls, encasement of pre-cast elements, capping beams and reinforced concrete slabs.
These works were successfully delivered during the height of the COVID 19 restrictions with social distancing and other hygeine control measure in place to comply with teh regulations throughout this period.
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